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    Old series finally being released!

    It’s been a while, but I finally managed to sort getting through my backlog of work… And I turns out I just had… an entire introductory comic for a contemporary fantasy series planned out. The overall synopsis is that our heroine Hasegawa Ai is running about facing on supernatural dungeons in our modern times… but she has the powerset of her roommate’s (Sephi’s) comic book character. Thus, Ai is going on adventures moonlighting as the protagonist of the comic series Artifact Snatch to help her friend, since Sephi lost all will to keep working on her passion and it may return by seeing that someone adventuring in cosplay. Will Ai…

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    New Game in development: Project Monet.

    Project Monet is a 2D platforming game where you play as the titular explorer Monet in a science-fiction planet-trekking and plant-growing adventure based off of the Scratch game by Alivio8. In this game Monet’s been take from their peaceful garden home and once again assigned a job by Dot, Monet’s Boss. It’s not very clear what the details are, or how long it’ll take, but it’s off to new planets they must go, and we’ll go with them! Monet will do many things over this adventure: Monet’s Space Adventure is a side-scrolling journey made in Scratch, where some of the fun characters we meet in Project Monet came from! Project…

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    Steve’s Scaretacular Scareventure Update!

    Steve’s Scaretacular Scareventure has been in some relative radio silence for the last year, so here’s an update with some fun things developed in the project, and an overview of the plot. THE PLOT: Steve the scary monster must get into the buildings of the 3 people living near him, and hen frighten them away with great aplomb. Steve will have to run, jump, roll, hide, and mess with stuff to unnerve the occupants enough until the finishing fright is delivered. MAIN MECHANIC: The main mechanic of the game is the dodge-roll. You can roll into gaps like the Metroid morph-ball, and you have a slight hop whenever you use…

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    Research and Development: Posterised Nottingham

    I decided to make landscape images for the end-credits of a Nottingham based adventure game I’m creating for my FMP at Confetti College. I began with the photographs of the locations my family took on walks around the city, and drew out five small and very rough pencil sketches, which I then redrew to fix any aggregious issues with the first drafts. After I drew the pencil images I drew off of the photos again in black ink for better contrast, and added more detailing. Once my pen sketched second draft was complete, I drew a larger image of my three final chosen images: the Council Hall, Adams Building of…

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    Making A Topdown Game UPDATE!

    The game is working! For all intents and purposes, the project is going well. Here’s what we have now: 1. Controller and keyboard compatible multiplayer. 2. The ability to replay the game, or quit it. 3. Win states, and pumpkins to bash everywhere. and, 4. an inability to kill your player, because that’s not nice or needed in this game.

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    Making a Topdown Game

    The game is simple to play: Launch pumpkins off the side, and you win if you get enough points. There’s also some creepy music to add to the Halloween atmosphere, but it’s a pretty simple mechanic.

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    The Journey is complete!

    The Journey is finally over! Everything’s created, working, and now it’s only absurd when we WANT it to be! My word, this game has been such a wild ride, with so many things to implement. This was the first project with a Dating-sim-teir storyline, dimension swapping, boss fights that changed the story depending on who you beat, a multivariable save system… and all of this was just set up off of an old visual novel story! I had a nice, if stressful time, and managed to learn much more about the Godot Engine in the process. If you want to play The Journey, you can download it on Itch.io here

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    Making a Stealth Game Pt3

    You know what everyone loves in stealth games? Things to avoid, and things to get, that’s what! So, what did I make in my Unreal testing room? A camera to avoid, and an objective item to get! Huzzah! Specifically, the camera is just a collision area that kills you if you hit it, and respawns you. The objective object is a low-poly placeholder hourglass set it up with a billboard sprite, light system, and a variable to allow you to actually “get” something.

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    Making a Stealth Game Pt2

    I’m now working on trying to implement a camera that detects the player when you enter the camera’s line of sight, which requires you to then have to find a new way to sneak around the level. As the first iteration of a basic chasing enemy design, the floating blimp in the background is evil and tries to kill you.