Art Portfolio 2024

Acrylic Painting Postcards

These four acrylic paintings were drawn as the complimentary images to go with handmade postcards of my various trips around 2013-2015. The designs were penciled in, painted, then inked over for contrast.

The images are of the Arc de Triomphe, Giant’s Causeway/Albuquerque hot air balloon, and The Northern Lights.


Two watercolored yōkai designs (set of 10). The wolf is titled Senbiki White, off of the Thousand Wolves folktale, and the person is Scythe Leg, adapted as a variant of the Teke Teke. All 10 yōkai were designed with a green accent, and when useable, a seal marker matching the “seal writer seal” featured on the ofuda (paper seal) I developed for the art project.

The red tattooed, white furred yokai Senbiki White.

Notable points are the green forehead marking, red seal on the nose, and green eyes.
Senbiki White
Scythe/Scythe Leg
Top-layerless ofuda.
Has creator’s name
and region.
Complete ofuda.
These designs are made off of an initial premise: What if the Ben 10 creatures were yōkai? Thus, in my development I made these points: ****. 1: All 10 yōkai replace an alien. Senbiki ōkami is Wildmutt and Scythe Leg is XLR8. **** 2: Each yōkai has the green eyes, and an Omnitrix symbol. (Green hourglass symbol from the series) **** 3: When the ofuda is read top to bottom and right to left, the red seals say “Azmus”, the Japanese adapted name of Azmuth, and the location is “Galvan Prime”. **** 4: The black ofuda top layer (saying what the seal’s function is) reads “All Changes”, this being the function of the Omnitrix the ofuda is based upon.

Aurora: Beautiful Darkness.

A rendition of the protagonist of Beautiful Darkness, Aurora, done in watercolor, pencil, and ink. The art was drawn to make a paper-craft character that I could position in various natural environments. Especially interesting parts was carving out such a small paper character, practicing with mixing ink and watercolor paint, and developing an accurately “blood” ink with a water suspension of various pigments.

Graphic Novel’s Release Cover.
Watercolor sketch of traumatized protagonist, Aurora
Inked and carved out Aurora for trying various placements.
Aurora, outside. Secured by the foot-tabs, and taken in various garden locations.

Naija Clay Sculpt.

A practice in trying to hand sculpt clay due to my development of my “8” bust. Due to childhood appreciation of the game Aquaria, by BitBlot, I chose to create a small model of the protagonist, Naija. The model was developed from the character’s introduction shot/death shot, and the already in-game art existing of an unidentified mithalan model in the inventory menu for further points on model construction due to the sharper shadows.

Naija’s first appearance.
Menu sculpt.
My rendition.

“8” Clay Sculpture.

A model created of “8”, a (original) science fiction game character with a “nature” theme, featuring significant disfiguration. Part of the character backstory revolved around masking emotionally (blank face, no mouth, eye unseeing) and literally. (The mask is impaled into the face) My largest change in the design was to cut the mask in two, showing the damage hidden by the mask.

Original design of “8”. Pen sketch to replicate woodcarving and tufted hair/fabrics.
Indian and colored ink brush painting.
The model, hair, mask, and features created but unglazed.
Glazed final, using the brushed ink painting for color references.

Xie. (谢)

Amalgamation of various artworks and abilities from the mobile game Exiles: Lost Colony by Crescent Moon Games. (2014) into a single character.

Using the single unknown character on the back artwork’s sketch, the use of multiple culturally Chinese objects in their room, and an unusual sound error adding an extra “-e” during the gap of silence representing the player’s unknown name (-e, + unknown (X) is X-e, thus Xie.) can make the player’s name be written as 谢 in Chinese. Calling a sci-fi society destroyer “wither” or “decline” seems very fitting.
The wireframe transparent arm, knife held in reverse grip, and gun holster are directly adapted from the game’s “invisibility” skill, and player armaments. The artwork on their back is taken from an ink sketch in the player character’s room, signed with a single illegible character. The character’s penchant for inking inspired the choice of ink for this artwork.

Akira Natsume (EX-ARM)

A folding paper model of EX-ARM 00 from the manga series by HiRock and Shinya Komi. The model was ink-illustrated off of designs from the comic, and the model was built to open in a similar looking movement method to the science fiction box’s mechanism.

The EX-ARM 00 casing. The text means “Iridai Pharmaceutical Engineering” (The device’s creator company) but the box also changes to say “EX-ARM 00” in English or very rarely “Brother Akira” in differing scenes.
The opened casing, built with a varied cuts and folds. The case is opened, but not on its stand. The paper model is built to look like the opened stand box.